“Batman Beyond” was an animated series that premiered in 1999 and featured a teenaged Batman (Terry McGinnis) in a futuristic Gotham City under the tutelage of an elderly Bruce Wayne (Kevin Conroy).
Great series that took the “Batman Legend” in an exciting new direction. After years and year of wanting a “Batman Beyond” live action movie (and multiple crap Batman films) an animated film is being talked about.
Yuhki Demers, a production designer at Netflix and a visual development member on both of Sony’s animated “Spider-Verse” films, has shared something rather special.
In a social media posting, Demers and director Patrick Harpin revealed a pitch the pair did for a “Batman Beyond” animated movie at Warner Bros. Pictures around five months ago.
Demers said the pair were warned, even before they pitched the outline for the film, that there was “absolutely no way” they could do such a film.
He adds that after they shared their pitch, that firm ‘no’ turned into a ‘maybe’ and the hope is that sharing these images will lead to some enthusiasm for the project. They add they’ve been “pitching our way up the company hoping to get to James Gunn.”
Gunn recently expressed wanting to work with ‘Spider-Verse’ producers Christopher Miller and Phil Lord who are not involved in this pitch.
Toward the end of his tweet, encouraged his followers to drum up public support in a bid to get a sit-down meeting with James Gunn to greenlight a Batman Beyond animated film by liking and sharing his tweet.
Batman Beyond initially aired in 1999. The show, set in 2019, follows Terry McGinnis, a new Batman charged with defending a futuristic Gotham City under the tutelage of a retired Bruce Wayne. Batman Beyond aired for three seasons before concluding in 2001. The series received a direct-to-DVD film Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, a 3D sidescroller of the same name the Nintendo 64 in 2000, and numerous comic book runs.