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Star Wars is truly dead…at least the one that matters.

Burn baby burn!!

Let it burn…I could care less.

"My belief is that storytelling does need to be representative of all people," said Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy. The Acolyte will be the first Star Wars TV show created by a woman, while Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy will be the first woman to direct a film.

The era of the activist continues to shit on the road paved by talented people of the past. Ones who entertained us and didn’t make people feel inferior or unworthy.

A middle of the road assistant who hung around the two biggest names in the business at the time (Lucas and Spielberg) and did nothing to improve herself or raise the game in movie making.

Though she has set a standard for destroying properties that were billion dollar makers.

The era of activists who have no talent and to much time on their hands, but not enough to create anything that people want.

Like I said earlier, let this franchise die. I could care less at this point as I have 4k high definition copies of the original films and loads of dark horse comics and novels from the good ol 80s and 90s.

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