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“The DIVE” presents…JASON X And A Review Of “The First Omen” LIVE On April 11th!! RSVP Today!! Plus Win Prizes!!

In 2000, I was almost 21 when I heard the news of the upcoming return of Jason Voorhees to the big screen. After years of watching reruns on USA and TNT and watching my videotapes until they ran thin, the time was upon us.

Then I saw the trailer...didn't look bad and then I watched the film in a packed theater filled with hardcore horror fans.

Then...well I think I'll save the story for the next episode of "The DIVE" with Charles Sherrod Jr. on April 11th when I play the entire film for all to see and chat upon.

All you have to do is get a free rumble account and follow "THE DIVE" channel to join the chat. If you wanna toss a dollar or two to donate feel free or just be there and enjoy my cutting edge commentary and unmatched horror knowledge. prizes.

Wanna see what is coming up...check it out.

The year is 2455. The Place is Old Earth. Once the shimmering blue jewel of the galaxy, Old Earth is now a contaminated planet abandoned for centuries. Yet humans have returned to the deadly place that they once fled. Not to live, but to research the ancient rusting artifacts of the bygone civilizations that caused this environmental disaster. And little does the most recent landing party of intrepid young explorers realize the fate that awaits them.

RSVP today and sign up for a free Rumble account, follow "THE DIVE" channel to join the chat.

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