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Wrestlemania 40…Night#2!! All Reviews And Updates

Well Here we go... night #2...probably could've done all this in one night, but the entrances have more thought put into them than the actual matches.

Drew McIntyre vs. Seth Rollins (c) (WWE World Heavyweight Championship)

CM Punk is on commentary for this one, as promised.

Claymore out the gates... SO CLOSE! To the floor, belly-to-belly suplex, McIntyre takes a fan’s phone to tweet about being bored at work and presses the attack with another suplex! Back in the ring, Rollins hits Blackout... STILL NO! A little back and forth, this time the Claymore is countered into a powerbomb, roll through, Pedigree connects, Seth’s knee failing but he’s keeping it together!

Blackout number two... NOT ENOUGH! Up top, avalanche Blackout... NOBODY HOME! Sidestep Claymore but Future Shock lands true... SETH KICKS OUT! Calling for Go to Sleep while looking at Punk on commentary, laying in wait, fireman’s carry, Seth reverses to a small package for two!

Claymore connects... STILL SETH ROLLINS KICKS OUT! McIntyre clearing the announce desk, CM running him down on commentary for using the furniture because he can’t get it done in the ring! Drew pulls Rollins to the floor, powerbomb lift, Seth fights back with punches! Bouncing McIntyre’s head off the turnbuckles, superkick connects... BLACKOUT ON THE DESK!

Back inside, another Claymore... ROLLINS KICKS OUT! Seth stands back up, Drew lines him up cold...

Drew McIntyre wins by pinfall with a Claymore, winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Post-match, Drew walks over towards CM Punk and pushes the title at him, crawling up on the desk as Punk applauds. They go back and forth and McIntyre crotch chops him leading Punk to heel trip him off the table! Punk takes his arm brace off and loads his good arm with it for a lariat and stomps!

Damian Priest is here to cash in! He clobbers McIntyre with the case! It’s official!

Damian Priest vs. Drew McIntyre (c) (WWE World Heavyweight Championship)


Damian Priest wins by pinfall with South of Heaven, becoming the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

We see the Bloodline making their way into the building earlier today.

Final Testament (Akam, Karrion Kross, & Rezar) vs. the Pride (Angelo Dawkins, Bobby Lashley, & Montez Ford) (Philadelphia Street Fight)

Snoop Dogg is on commentary for this one. Sure, why not.

Bubba Ray Dudley is special guest referee and I am forced to assume that the headache medication I’m taking is causing me to hallucinate.

All six men brawling out the gates, Pride clear the ring and go and get a table! AOP take the Profits out, Kross comes over with kendo sticks to equip them, wailing on the babyfaces, Super Collider... B-FAB BREAKS IT UP WITH A KENDO STICK! Scarlett Bordeaux hits her over the head with a trash can and sends her packing!

Bob breaks up a second Super Collider and they send AOP packing! Karrion eats a suplex from the All Mighty, Ford launches himself over the ringpost with a tope con giro! Lashley beating Kross down with a chair, scooping him up, big Rock Bottom on the steel! Hurt Lock applied, Scarlett Breaks it up with a kendo stick and B-FAB blasts her with a pump kick!

Karrion with an inverted DDT to put Bob through the chair, no deal! Arguing with Bubba Ray, shoving him into the corner, Dudley pulls out the glasses and Lashley spears Kross! Bubba Ray directing traffic and Dawkins hits the WAZZUP! Everybody shoves everybody, get the tables on three!

The table breaks under Karrion’s weight and they get another one! Fresh table set up, Montez off the top...

The Pride win by pinfall with a frog splash through a table from Montez Ford on Karrion Kross.

We see Logan Paul getting warmed up for his match and get a recap of last night’s main event.

Kayla Braxton interviews Paul Heyman and he says Bloodline Rules are... c’mon, Bloodline Rules are determined by him, the Tribal Chief, and the Final Boss at an adhoc as needed basis to ensure that one man wins and the other man goes home to his wife, Brandi.

AJ Styles vs. LA Knight

Out and back in, Styles going to work on Knight’s leg, DDT it, looking for a shinbreaker but LA counters and goes to work with lariats and a side Russian legsweep! Putting boots to Styles in the corner, running knee, big tornado DDT... NOPE! Up top, jockeying for position, Styles slips under and electric chair facebusters him into the turnbuckles!

German suplex into the back suplex facebuster, only two! Back up top, Knight cuts him off, crossface strikes at elevation! Biting AJ, Styles returns the favor with a rake of the eyes, LA pops up... GERMAN SUPERPLEX CAN’T SEAL THE DEAL! Calf Killer applied, AJ wrenching it in, Knight crawling and he gets the ropes!

Dropkick puts LA’s knee into the post, Knight uses his leg strength to pull Styles face-first into the post! LA pulls the padding up off the floor, referee Dan Engler begs him not to and AJ back body drops him onto the exposed floor! Knight beats the count, AJ with the 450 splash... KNEES ARE UP!

Back and forth, Styles in position for the Styles Clash, no deal, lining the Phenomenal Forearm up but LA cuts him off! BFT connects...

LA Knight wins by pinfall with the BFT.

We get a recap of this year’s Hall of Fame ceremony and the traditional presentation of the new inductees on the stage.

Backstage Sami Zayn tells Kevin Owens its his turn now and ushers him out through Gorilla.

Kevin Owens vs. Logan Paul (c) vs. Randy Orton (WWE United States Championship)

Paul bails immediately, Owens and Orton pull him to the floor and ping-pong him back and forth with punches! Back suplex into the Spanish announce desk, KO hits one too, but Randy gives him the note that he has to go higher and shows him how it’s done! Back inside, Paul flips out of a suplex attempt, babyfaces raining kicks down on him, stereo Garvin Stomps!

Double cover, stalemate, Orton looks for the RKO and gets blocked and has a bashful look on his face about it! They agree to do it now and get to trading punches in the middle of the ring! Paul cuts them off, stomps, grinding Kev’s face into the turnbuckles, Owens stacks both of them up, crotch chop, double Cannonball!

Senton atomico, Paul gets the knees up! Logan with a senton atomico of his own, bouncing into a big splash on Randy, cover for two! Trading uppercuts with Orton, Logan sent packing, lariats from Orton, snap scoop powerslam connects! Paul interrupts a hanging DDT, Buckshot countered into a snap scoop powerslam! DOUBLE HANGING DDT!

Owens up top and trading punches with Orton, jockeying for position, Logan comes over and joins them and KO ends up hitting the avalanche fisherman buster! Back up top, diving moonsault... PAUL KICKS OUT! Logan has the knucks, Orton ducks, big right hand, he tries and fails to take the knucks and Paul cold-cocks him... BUT RANDY ORTON STILL KICKS OUT!

Punching Kevin with the knucks, drawing Randy back up... RKO OUTTA NOWHERE! Orton has the knucks now, and he gives them to referee Ryan Tran! Randy squares him up... THE PRIME BOTTLE PULLS LOGAN OUT OF THE RING TO SAVE HIM FROM THE PUNT! The Prime Bottle unmasks as one of Logan’s endless stream of lackeys.

The dumbass actually barks at Randy Orton and tells him to sit the fuck down, to which Orton kicks the guy in his stomach to turtle him, takes the bottle costume off him, and drags him over to the announce desk, up top, grabbing him by the neck, Randy barks at him and drops him with the RKO!

Back in the ring, pop-up powerbomb on Paul, Stunner on Orton... NOT ENOUGH! Pop-up powerbomb countered into an RKO! Logan tries to steal it, Randy puts him in the ropes, Paul knocks him down, off the top...

Logan Paul wins by pinfall with a frog splash, retaining the WWE United States Championship.

We have a bit of commentary back and forth about baseball Michael Cole tells us that John Kruk was supposed to be here tonight and like dang, that’s the one time they would have put a sports man in the crowd that I would have recognized, on account of the six months in the first grade where I tried collecting baseball cards to fit in with the boys. (It didn’t take, clearly.)

Bayley vs. IYO SKY (c) (WWE Women’s Championship)

SKY sends Bayley to the floor, targeting the leg, collar and elbow, trading shots, bouncing the Role Model’s face off the apron! Off the ropes, handspring, nothing, dropkick sends the challenger packing. IYO off the ropes, Bayley cuts her off with a right hand, Stunner over the middle rope, suicide dive wipes the champion out!

SKY targeting the knee, hanging ankle lock off the apron, going to work on her in the ring, trapping one leg in the ropes and hitting a dragon screw on the other one! IYO stomping away, whip reversed, roll through double stomp, cover for two. Bayley pulls her out to the floor, champion with a forearm, challenger passes her over the timekeeper’s barricade!

IYO springboards and Bayley reverses into a belly-to-belly suplex! Back inside, running knee, hammering lariats, Role Model with a wacky counter into a side Russian legsweep! Headed up top, SKY cuts her off with a Shotei! Springboard dropkick sends the challenger to the floor!

Orihara moonsault, back inside, missile dropkick, knees in the ropes, cover for two! Inside cradle from Bayley, IYO kicks out, Role Model hobbles over and gets put on the apron. Overhead elbows, champ with a German suplex, rolling through, a second German suplex and the bridge... NOT ENOUGH!

Double jump, SKY hits the moonsault but Bayley gets the knees up! Diving elbow, IYO reverses into an arm-trap crossface! Bayley with a sliding back elbow, another one gets countered right back into the crossface! Into the middle of the ring, shift to an STF, Bayley with elbows, Bayley-to-Belly in the middle of the ring... STILL NO!

Roseplant countered into a hard elbow, Bayley tries talking to her and IYO paintbrushes her with a slap! Bayley-to-Belly reversed, underhooks, butterfly backbreaker connects! IYO up top, diving moonsault... BAYLEY KICKS OUT! A second rope moonsault, back up top, nobody home on the diver! Bayley hobbles over... ROSEPLANT BUT IYO POPS UP TO HER FEET!

Back suplex, the Role Model goes up top, diving elbow drop, another Roseplant... SHE DID IT!

Bayley wins by pinfall with Roseplant, becoming the new WWE Women’s Champion.

We get a roundup of various celebrities in the front row.

Snoop Dogg is in the ring with cheerleaders and he gets on the mic.

He tells everybody that’s having a good time to make some noise and announces attendance as 72,755 before toasting Philadelphia. He asks who’s ready for the main event before announcing the two-night total as 145,420, but the graphic says 145,298. Oh that Snoop and his marijuana references, what a rascal!

Cody Rhodes vs. Roman Reigns (c) (WWE Undisputed Universal Championship Bloodline Rules Match)

The main event of WrestleMania 40 tonight (Sun., April 7, 2024) at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania saw Roman Reigns pinned to lose the WWE Universal title after some 1,316 days as champion, a historic run in the modern age.

And Cody Rhodes is the new WWE champion, the first time a member of the Rhodes’ family could say as much. The American Nightmare achieved the American Dream, and he delivered the belt to Mama Rhodes right there in the ring.

The match was littered with moments, plenty of callbacks to the past, and both men pulling out all the stops, including each man using the other’s signature moves and finishers. There was, of course, liberal interference, all of it its own callback to what Roman has needed to remain The Tribal Chief for all this time.

First, Jimmy Uso arrived to help out, and Jey Uso was right behind him to even the odds by taking him off the stage.

Next, Solo Sikoa showed up in the nick of time to again save Reigns only for none other than John Cena to make his return to even the odds once more.

Before Cena could even get out, The Rock made his presence felt for a showdown with his former rival. But he ate a Rock Bottom right away and was taken out.

Next up, Seth Rollins tried to come from behind as his old Shield character, but Reigns managed to take him down with a Superman punch first.

Then, the gong and the lights went out.

And Undertaker was there in the ring when they came back up.

CHOKE SLAM to The Rock!

Lights out again, both Undertaker and The Rock gone when they came back up.

Rollins was still in, and Reigns gave him a chair shot to the back, payback for all those years ago in The Shield.

And that left just Reigns and Rhodes.

One Cross Rhodes.



The count.




It was finally over.

Roman Reigns has been dethroned.

Cody Rhodes is the WWE champion.

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